How can you help?
The Quest relies on donations to support the ministry.
You can help us by becoming a ministry partner or supporting church. As a camp ministry we rely heavily on our ministry partners. All our camps are subsidized in order to help families get to camp.
Our supporting churches raise funds for the Quest to sustain it’s camp ministry. Most importantly we ask that our partners support us spiritually through uplifting us in prayer!
As a individual?
Individuals can partner with us in several ways. First and most importantly you can pray for our camp ministry.
You can help by volunteering at camp or raise funds for our camp ministry or personally donate to camp.
By Cheque - Please mail to "The Quest" at FBC, 1351 28 St E,
Prince Albert, SK. S6V 6T4, Canada
Auto monthly withdrawals - email director@questcl.ca for info
eTransfer - admin@questnet.ca
Credit card online - use the link to donate via PayPal
The Quest was founded in 1945 giving it over 75 years of ministry and camping experience. We are a registered charitable organization that functions as a Baptist Camping and Retreat centre.